
Pollinators project: Botanica by Air Wick and WWF-UK 

In 2021 GGCWS were awarded funding from WWFUK to undertake the pollinators project in the Soar river catchment area, managed by Trent Rivers Trust and supported by Botanica Air Wick. The aim is to improve the environment in some of the Wildspace areas so they better support pollinating insects (‘pollinators’). Work on this project is already under way and we have improved and seeded several areas of land managed by GGCWS, at both the Burton Brook and Great Glen recreation ground (‘meanders’) sites. The project lass for four years.  More information about the project can be found in the ‘News’ section of this website.

Green Light Trust
The Green Light Trust supported the early stages of the project and remain consultants and trusty advisers on all things to do with the environment and looking after our green spaces.  Their aims are similar to ours:

The Green Light Trust transforms lives through nature. We do this by bringing people and nature together through a series of projects that encourage people to enjoy being outdoors and protect our environment at the same time.


Active Harborough

Harborough council have provided support in the past to encourage people to participate in our working activities. Being in outdoor spaces is known to be good for mental health as well as keeping fit. Come and join us for a session and find out more!